Low Maintenance Lawns: A Guide

If you don't have much time to care for your garden, you may be wondering about the different types of lawn grass for your garden. Ideally, you will want to choose a type of grass that is easy to care for and which will thrive in any conditions. This article details some types of lawn that are super easy to care for. Read on to discover more!


Bermuda grass is a great choice for your garden if you have little time to care for it. This type of lawn grows well in shade, light sun or full sun. It is also resistant to weeds, which can save you a lot of time when it comes to de-weeding. You will, however, have to mow the grass every few weeks if you want it to look good and be healthy. Bermuda grass does not grow deep roots, so it needs frequent mowing in order to thrive.

St. Augustine

If you want a low-maintenance type of lawn, then St. Augustine is probably a good option for your garden. This type of lawn can grow in any type of conditions and requires little mowing. If you want to trim the grass, then it's best to do so when it is wet. That way, it will be easy to remove the grass clippings from your garden.


Zoysia is a great choice if you have dry soil and are looking for a low-maintenance type of lawn that does not require a lot of mowing. This type of grass does not do well in areas with high rainfall or in shady areas, but once the lawn is established, it requires minimal maintenance.

Kentucky Bluegrass

This type of grass is a popular type of lawn on the market today. It works well in nearly any type of conditions, does not require much maintenance or trimming and grows long, strong roots that do not spread too far from where they are planted. It does have a relatively slow growth rate, but this can be a positive for those who want to leave their lawn for several months at a time between mowings.

If you would like to find out more, you should make contact with a local lawn care or supply company. A member of their staff will be happy to discuss your lawn care maintenance requirements before recommending the best type of lawn for your home. 
